

     废柴联盟第二季废柴联盟第二季故事的主人公是一位说话节奏很快的律师(Joel McHale扮演),他本来有大学文凭,但那文凭却阴差阳错地作废了      不可能回学校重新念书,他选择加入社区大学      思想活跃的他很快结交了一群好友,并在他们当中组织了一个学习研讨会      事实上,他们对彼此的了解,可能比对书本和作业的了解更深刻,更有价值                                    废柴联盟第二季废柴联盟第二季以往情景喜剧大多以爱情、家庭、生活、工作四大元素为主,但是本剧却独辟蹊径,将目光锁定在高等教育上,就是这种类型的成功典范,美国怎样解决“读书难”的问题,那些已经步入社会但是想继续深造的成年人该怎样去接受高等教育,这部情景喜剧在一定程度上解答了这些问题      Greendale社区大学的学生有些”特殊“      这倒不是说他们身体上有什么缺陷,而是因为他们的构成千奇百怪——有高中时代的”差生“,有刚刚离婚的家庭主妇,还有”活到老学到老“的老人      没有了象牙塔的神圣感,社区大学圆了这些人的”高等教育“梦      人生苦短,莫荒废了好年华,这就是本剧要告诉我们的真理      第1集第1集“白老头箴言录”事件      Britta因舞会告白受人崇拜事件      Jeff向Britta求婚事件      人类学作业事件      小剧场:Chang的咕噜模仿秀      Abed,Troy和人类学教授的Rap      第2集第2集绿苑机械舞啤酒节事件      Jeff的律师朋友事件      Annie用氯仿迷晕警卫事件      Chang试图加入小组失败事件      小剧场:Abed制作卡通拱廊      第3集第3集Britta、Annie为漏油事件筹款事件(油中互搏事件)      Pierce母亲去世、“激光教”事件      Chang的25英尺限制令事件      Jeff胆固醇偏高事件      小剧场:Kuso盗梦空间      第4集第4集绿苑太空模拟器事件      小组设计菊花校旗事件      小剧场:Abed和Troy拍纸箱飞船预告片      第5集第5集Abed拍摄上帝电影事件      Pierce的新朋友事件      小剧场:大家拷贝Jeff的行头      演职员表乔尔·麦克哈尔Jeff杨雅慧—约翰·奥利弗邓肯教授丹尼·朴迪Abed吉姆·拉什克雷格·佩尔顿院长凯文·考利甘Sean Garrity斯蒂芬·托布罗斯基Peter Sheffield查理·孔茨Neil泰格·诺塔洛Bartender格洛里亚·桑多瓦尔Cleaning Lady伊丽莎·库伯Robin Vohlers麦克斯·查尔斯Young Pierce乔什·哈洛威Black Rider安迪·迪克helicopter pilot杰伊·钱德拉萨卡安东尼·罗素、乔·罗素、Adam Davidson、Kyle Newacheck、杰伊·钱德拉萨卡、特斯塔姆·莎佩罗、林诣彬丹·哈蒙 Dan Harmon、Tim Hobert、Andrew Guest、Zach Paez、Lauren Pomerantz、丽兹·凯克沃斯基 Liz Cackowski、Emily Cutler、Chris McKenna、Andy Bobrow、Adam Countee、Megan Ganz、Stephen Basilone、Matt Murray、Annie Mebane、希拉里·温斯顿 Hilary Winston、Jon Pollack、Karey DornettoSony Pictures Television废柴联盟第二季废柴联盟第二季长相帅气的Jeff(乔尔·麦克哈尔 Joel McHale 饰)因伪造大学文凭被吊销了律师执照      为了能弄到文凭,选择加入Greendale社区大学      为接近西班牙语课上的冰山美人Britta(吉莉安·雅各布斯 Gillian Jacobs 饰),Jeff伪造了一个西班牙语学习小组,却意外的招来了一帮性格各异的组员      乔尔·麦克哈尔,活跃于美国的主持人、演员      作为“废柴联盟”领 头人、绝对男一号在生活中也一样毒舌和幽默的乔尔·麦克哈尔,192cm的巨大身高、爱尔兰混血的讨喜长相、非常引人注目的大脑门,以及极为刻薄和快速的语气语速      乔尔·麦克哈尔是演员,同时更像一个脱口秀主持人,无论是生活还是剧中,他三句话有两句都在打趣和讽刺他人,他在好莱坞得罪过不少人,包括马特-戴蒙,但他依然是深夜秀主持人们最喜欢的嘉宾,因为他足够有趣      星座: 天蝎座,出生地: 意大利罗马,职业: 演员 / 制片 / 编剧,生日:1971年11月20日,配偶:Sarah Williams(1996年至今) 家庭成员:父亲、母亲、哥哥和弟弟,Joel在孩子中排行第二      乔尔·麦克哈尔,父亲:Jack Machale,芝加哥人      母亲:Laurie,温哥华人      1996年与Sarah Williams结为连理,并有两个儿子:Edward Roy,2005年出生,Isaac Hayden,2008年出生      一家住在Hollywood Hills      漂亮的主人公漂亮的主人公热爱拍摄电影的阿拉伯人Abed(丹尼·朴迪 Danny Pudi 饰),曾是橄榄球健儿的Troy(唐纳德·格洛弗 Donald Glover 饰),没有安全感的犹太美女Annie(爱丽森·布里 Alison Brie 饰),离异黑人中年妇女Shirley(伊薇特·尼科尔·布朗 Yvette Nicole Brown 饰),离婚7次并心仪Shirley的Pierce(切维·切斯 Chevy Chase 饰)英文名:Danny Pudi中文名:丹尼·朴迪 职业:演员出生地:美国芝加哥身高:1      83m丹尼·朴迪是美籍波兰印度混血,生于1979年3月10日      毕业于密尔沃基市的马奎特大学,通信专业      丹尼·朴迪曾在多个美剧剧目中出演角色      如今在大火的NBC轻喜剧《废柴联盟》(Commiunity)中出演一个阿拉伯学生Abed,相当成功      她的又长又窄的脸以及精瘦的身材配合怪异的宅男性格将Abed这个人物演绎得十分搞笑      幕后制作:李成林Waterloo废柴联盟第二季废柴联盟第二季歌手: Abba所属专辑:《The Definitive Collection》 终极典藏发行时间:2001-10-22所属公司:环球唱片歌词:you can dance you can jivehaving the time of your lifeooh see that girlwatch that scenedig in the dancing queenfriday night and the lights are lowlooking out for the place to gowhere they play the right musicgetting in the swingyou come in to look for a kinganybody could be that guynight is young and the music's highwith a bit of rock musiceverything is fineyou're in the mood for a danceand when you get the chance                  you are the dancing queenyoung and sweetonly seventeendancing queenfeel the beat from the tambourineyou can danceyou can jivehaving the time of your lifeooh see that girlwatch that scenedig in the dancing queenyou're a teaser, you turn 'em onleave them burning and then you're gonelooking out for another, anyone will doyou're in the mood for a danceand when you get the chance                  you are the dancing queenyoung and sweetonly seventeendancing queenfeel the beat from the tambourineyou can danceyou can jivehaving the time of your lifeooh see that girlwatch that scene dig in the dancing queenMamma Mia歌手: Abba所属专辑:《Abba / 18 Hits》发行时间:2010-01-06所属公司:环球唱片歌词:Can you hear the drums Fernando?I remember long ago another starry night like thisIn the firelight FernandoYou were humming to yourself and softly strumming your guitarI could hear the distant drumsAnd sounds of bugle calls were coming from afarThey were closer now FernandoEvery hour every minute seemed to last eternallyI was so afraid FernandoWe were young and full of life and none of us prepared to dieAnd I'm not ashamed to sayThe roar of guns and cannons almost made me cryThere was something in the air that nightThe stars were bright, FernandoThey were shining there for you and meFor liberty, FernandoThough I never thought that we could loseThere's no regretIf I had to do the same againI would, my friend, FernandoNow we're old and grey FernandoAnd since many years I haven't seen a rifle in your handCan you hear the drums Fernando?Do you still recall the frightful night we crossed the Rio Grande?I can see it in your eyesHow proud you were to fight for freedom in this landThere was something in the air that nightThe stars were bright, FernandoThey were shining there for you and meFor liberty, FernandoThough I never thought that we could loseThere's no regretIf I had to do the same againI would, my friend, FernandoThere was something in the air that nightThe stars were bright, FernandoThey were shining there for you and meFor liberty, FernandoThough I never thought that we could loseThere's no regretIf I had to do the same againI would, my friend, FernandoYes, if I had to do the same againI would, my friend, Fernando                  Krasnoff Foster ProductionsHarmonius ClaptrapRusso BrothersUniversal Media Studios(UMS)Sony Pictures Television[美国]Sony Pictures Television[美国](2009) (USA) (TV)NBC电视台[美国](2009-) (USA) (TV)Citytv(2009-) (Canada) (TV)Comedy Central(2011) (Netherlands) (TV)FOUR(2011) (New Zealand) (TV)GO!(2010-) (Australia) (TV)PRO 4(2011) (Hungary) (TV)Sony Pictures Home Entertainment(2011) (Argentina) (DVD)Sony Pictures Home Entertainment[美国](2010) (USA) (DVD) (season 1)VIVA(2010-) (UK) (TV)VUZU(2010-) (South Africa) (TV)Hulu(2011) (USA) (TV) (internet)i24Pdailies and color correctionAffinity Artists Agencytalent agency(uncredited)Central Casting[美国]extras castingChapman and Leonard Studio Equipmentcamera dolliesClairmont Camera Inc      [美国]camera equipment provided byDirect Tools & FastenersexpendablesDoggieCam SystemsBodyMount provided byFilmtoolsexpendablesFlashpoint Studios[美国]production assistanceMadison Gate RecordssoundtrackRed Talent and Literary Agencytalent agency and representativeSLx - Rentals & Salescmotion lens control system希拉里·达芙废柴联盟(20张)校对:米粒总监:米粒翻译:夕橙 大伟熊后期:鱼骨头主演:导演:乔·卢素 / 安东尼·卢素编剧:丹·哈萌 / 希拉里·温斯顿乔尔·麦克哈尔 / 吉莉安·雅各布斯 /奥利弗·费尔普斯 / 丹尼·朴迪 / 伊薇特·尼科尔·布朗 / 爱丽森·布里 / 唐纳德·格洛弗 / 切维·切斯 / 郑肯 / 吉姆·拉什 / Dino Stamatopoulos / 希拉里·达芙网站评分参评人数统计截止日期豆瓣9      3183972023-12-11


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    人生切割术 第二季

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第三影院提供废柴联盟第二季完整版全集高清免费在线观看,废柴联盟第二季剧情介绍:     废柴联盟第二季废柴联盟第二季故事的主人公是一位说话节奏很快的律师(Joel McHale扮演),他本来有大学文凭,但那文凭却阴差阳错地作废了...

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