李敖:金庸写的武侠小说什么玩意 主持人:您看过吗? 李敖:臭鸡蛋非要都吃完才说它臭吗? 妈的,这烂剧我竟然没有前几集及时停止,竟然全看完了。 十足的臭鸡蛋,曹。 ……………………………… 李敖:金庸写的武侠小说什么玩意 主持人:您看过吗? 李敖:臭鸡蛋非要都吃完才... ( When their mother is hospitalized in a car accident, Pim and Putt suddenly discover that they have a set of grandparents they've never known about. But a terrifying truth has long been hidden within the walls of their grandparents’ house, a truth that gradually reveals itself to Pim and Putt through a mystical hole, unleashing hair-raising horror on their family. 毛骗团队就是我心目中的NO.1,悬疑感拉满!
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